The Jam Music Company
Safeguarding Statement as of August
21st 2023

The Jam Music Company recognises that child protection and
welfare considerations permeate all aspects of school life and
must be reflected in all of the school’s policies, practices and activities.
The Jam Music Company has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the
Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools as part of this
overall child protection policy as well as the Children First Act 2017.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Dean Lane. The Deputy Designated Liaison Person
(Deputy DLP) is Emily O’Rourke. Both the DLP and Deputy DLP are mandated people meaning
they are legally obligated to report any child welfare concerns to the relevant authorities.
In its policies, practices and activities, Jam Music Company will adhere to the following
principles of best practice in child protection and welfare:
● The school will recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount
importance, regardless of all other considerations; it will fully cooperate with the relevant
statutory authorities in relation to child protection and welfare matters and adopt safe
practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and
protect workers from the necessity to take unnecessary risks that may leave themselves
open to accusations of abuse or neglect;
● Develop a practice of openness with parents and encourage parental involvement in the
education of their children; and fully respect confidentiality requirements in dealing with
child protection matters. The school will also adhere to the above principles in relation to
any adult pupil with a special vulnerability.
● The company recognises that children have a right to be heard, listened to and taken
seriously. Taking into account their age and understanding, children should be consulted
and involved in all matters and decisions that may affect their lives. This involves but is
not limited to material relating to their learning objectives and outcomes in the school
and any welfare or safety concerns regarding them.
● This policy has been made available to school personnel and is readily accessible to
parents on request.
● This policy will be reviewed by the Management once in every year.

Jam Music’s Code of Behaviour 
Children are to be treated with dignity, sensitivity and
School staff must be sensitive to the risks involved in
interacting with children in a one-to-one setting.
While physical contact may be necessary to instruct a child
how to hold/play an instrument, it should be appropriate to the lesson or class, and only take
place when it is acceptable to all concerned and only benefits the student's learning. Methods
that do not require physical contact should be prioritised and used first before considering
physical contact.
While physical contact is a valid way of comforting, reassuring and showing concern for
children, it should only take place when it is acceptable to all concerned.
Staff should never physically punish or be in any way verbally abusive to a child, nor should they
ever tell jokes of a sexual nature in the presence of children.
School staff should be sensitive to the possibility of developing favouritism, or becoming over
involved or spending a great deal of time with any one child.
Children and/or parents should be encouraged to report any problems to either the school’s DLP
or Deputy DLP. All complaints and allegations will be met with a response and follow the
procedures in place in a timely manner.
Everyone involved with the School should respect the personal space, safety and privacy of
Staff members will not give students/service users/parents/caregivers their personal contact
information. Communication regarding student/service user’s attendance must go through the
administrative team of the school. An exception can be made for professional email accounts of
teachers to send on material relative to the lessons to parents
Jam Music is not responsible for children once their lesson is over. Parents/caregivers must
ensure there is someone available to collect the child at the correct time.
While students are partaking in lessons/camps/therapy, it is the responsibility of the assigned
staff members to ensure they do not partake in any dangerous behaviour or activity.
Jam Music has zero tolerance for bullying of any sort. Students and/or parents are encouraged
to report cases of bullying to the DLP.
Staff members using email or social media are representing the service and are therefore
responsible for ensuring that they are used in an effective, professional, ethical and lawful
Staff members may use laptops/tablets/phones in lessons to keep notes or provide music for the
lesson, however they may not be used during the lesson for personal matters. Students may not
use their phone during lessons unless instructed by the teacher.
There is an obligation on schools to provide children with the highest possible standard of care
in order to promote their well being and protect them from harm. School personnel are
especially well placed to observe changes in children’s behaviour, their lack of development or
outward signs of abuse. In situations where school personnel suspect that a child may have
been abused or neglected, or is being abused or neglected, or is at risk of abuse or neglect,
they shall ensure that such concerns are reported in accordance with the correct procedures
Breaching of the Code of Behaviour must be reported to the DLP and may result in disciplinary
actions when appropriate.

Designated Liaison Person (DLP)
The Board of Management and senior staff are responsible for choosing the Designated Liaison
Person and the Deputy Designated Liaison Person. The DLP and Deputy should be full time
staff members of the school.
The DLP will act as a liaison with outside agencies and as a resource person to any staff
member, parent or student, who has child protection concerns.
It is the responsibility of the DLP to ensure all Child Protection and Welfare policies and
procedures are available upon request and updated every year minimum using the most
up-to-date versions available.
As a resource person, the DLP shall ensure that they are knowledgeable about child protection
and undertake any training considered necessary to keep them updated on new developments.
This person will be the designated liaison person for the school in dealing with Tusla or the
HSE, An Garda Síochána and other parties, in connection with allegations of and/or concerns
about child abuse and neglect.
If a person, including third parties, reports suspected child abuse to the Designated Liaison
Person, their responsibility in the first instance is:
● To establish, in consultation with the individual who has raised the concern, if it
constitutes reasonable grounds for concern and if a report is required.
● To informally consult with the Tusla Duty Social Worker if uncertain about whether the
concern should be reported (see Section 8).
● To record all concerns or allegations of child abuse brought to their attention, and the
actions taken.
If a Designated Liaison Person decides not to report a concern to Tusla, the following steps
should be taken:
● Record the reasons for not reporting.
● Record any actions taken as a result of the concern.
● The employee or volunteer who raised the concern should be given a clear written
explanation of the reasons why the concern is not being reported to Tusla.
● The employee or volunteer should be advised and supported if they still remain
concerned about the situation to make a report to Tusla and/or An Garda Síochána.


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